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Add Variants

Variants are fields that create different versions of your component. Use them to power you components.

Record Variants

import { w, W } from 'windstitch';

const Button = w.button('bg-white', {
variants: {
color: {
gray: 'bg-gray-500',
red: 'bg-red-500',
type ButtonProps = W.infer<typeof Button>;
// ButtonProps['color'] is 'gray' | 'red'

Function Variants

For complex values, use a function style it. The prop type is inferred from the first argument type. Always remember to set it.

import { w, W } from 'windstitch';

const Checkbox = w.input('bg-white', {
variants: {
checked: (yes: boolean) => (yes ? 'bg-indigo-500' : 'bg-white'),
type CheckboxProps = W.infer<typeof Checkbox>;
// CheckboxProps['checked'] is boolean

Set a Default Variant to make it optional

All Variants are required by default. To make one optional, just set a default value for it through defaultProps.

import { w, W } from 'windstitch';

const Checkbox = w.input('bg-white', {
variants: {
color: {
gray: 'bg-gray-500',
red: 'bg-red-500',
checked: (yes: boolean) => (yes ? 'bg-indigo-500' : 'bg-white'),
defaultVariants: {
color: 'gray',
checked: false,
type CheckboxProps = W.infer<typeof Checkbox>;
// CheckboxProps['checked'] is boolean | undefined
// CheckboxProps['color'] is 'gray' | 'red' | undefined

Reusing styles

As prop types are inferred by your variants shape, you can easily reuse styles across components.


const textSize = {
small: 'text-sm',
large: 'text-lg',
} as const;

const Td ='px-2 py-2', {
variants: {

const Th ='', {
variants: {

// `textSize` is a required 'small' | 'large' prop on both components
// <Td textSize="large" />
// <Th textSize="small" />


The same goes for functions:

const isVisuallyEven = (value: boolean) =>
value ? 'bg-gray-100 dark:bg-gray-900' : 'bg-gray-200 dark:bg-gray-800';

const Td ='px-2 py-2', {
variants: {

const Th ='', {
variants: {

// `isVisuallyEven` is a required boolean prop on both components
// <Td isVisuallyEven={false} />
// <Th isVisuallyEven={true} />